We CARE captures our school mission and provides a framework for our school values. Our values underpin who we are and everything
we do.
Self-belief, Risk taker, Inquisitive
Leadership, Role Model, Responsible, Confident
Identity, Relationships, Collaboration, Belonging
Caring/Kindness, Respectful, Service
Our School Houses
Out of zone enrolments
Our school operates an enrolment scheme and, if your residential address is outside our school zone your application will be treated as an out-of-zone application.
To apply for an out-of -zone enrolment, please phone or email the office to make an appointment. During this appointment, you will meet with the Principal and complete an enrollment form.
Once we have received your completed enrolment form you will be placed on our waiting list for consideration in the next ballot. See dates below.
Please inform us if you no longer wish to stay on the waiting (ballot) list.
Information about the ballot process can be found at the Ministry of Education website link.
Should you have any other queries at this stage or wish to make an appointment to visit our school, please email us at office@gatepa.school.nz or call our office on 578 5325.
Applying for | Ballot Application Due | Ballot & Notification |
Term 1 2025 | Thursday 07th Nov | Thursday 07th Nov |
Additional Term 1 2025 |
Thursday 16 January | Friday 17 January |
Term 2 | Thursday 13 February | Friday 14 February |
Term 3 | Thursday 8 May | Friday 9 May |
Term 4 | Thursday 24 July | Friday 25 July |
Gate Pā School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) School. This means we adopt a school wide relational approach, focused on removing barriers to student engagement. PB4L supports us to address problem behaviour, improve children's well-being, and increase educational achievement. Our school values underpin our PB4L approach.
Practices and Facilities
Our practice are evidence-based and our facilities are student-centred
Evidence-based practices to nurture well-being and accelerate learning include:
- students are organised into three learning syndicates - this creates a sense of belonging and enables collaboration for both staff and students: Junior - Year 0-3 , Senior - Y4-6 and Māori Medium - bilingual and rumaki.
- localised curriculum, where students learn about topics that relate to them and their community
- composite classes - this means we put two consecutive year groups together in one class, appreciating that growth and learning is determined by stages not ages
- a house system - each student belongs to a house , this system complements our school history, culture and encourages a sense of healthy competition
- regular whānau hui and student-led conferences- working together with whānau as partners in learning, is essential for the growth and development of the learner
- Better Start Literacy - a structured literacy approach which incorporates vocabulary development and phonological awareness
- e-learning - 1:1 devices are used discernely to support student agency, active, personalised learning, creativity and collaboration
- Gateway class - designed to provide our New Entrants with the best start possible. This class supports the development of a range of foundational skills which are fundamental for curriuclum learning
- play-based learning in our junior school (Y0-3) - to support the development of thinking skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, student agency and engagement and smooth transitions to school
- Specialist teachers to deliver high quality programmes in: Science, Visual Arts, Music and Digital Technology.
- ESOL specialists to support English Second Language Learners
- Culturally Responsive Practice (CRP)
- Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
School facilities designed to nurture lifelong learning skills include:
- bike tracks and school bikes
- swimming pool
- forest ecosystem
- school and community gardens and beehives
- fruit tree orchard
- plant nursery
- two playgrounds
- two astro-turfs - basketball, netball and tennis
- cricket pitch
- an activity room
- library
- sensory spaces
- expansive green spaces
Celebrating Culture
We are immensely proud of the cultural diversity of Gate Pā School and take every opportunity to embrace and celebrate the histories and traditions of all students. These groups include Māori, Pakeha, Filipino, Indian, Pasifika, Korean, Chinese, Argentinean and South African.
We treasure the unique place of Māori and all students have the opportunity to develop their te reo and tikanga.
Culturally Responsive Practice
In truly knowing who our students are, it is vital that our staff understand and connect to the cultural capital of each individual. This involves giving every student multiple opportunities to share their culture, language, and identity.
At Gate Pā School, this is achieved by a focus on relationships and a school curriculum that maximises opportunities for students to share their own knowledge, values, and beliefs.
Cultural Groups
We have a number of cultural groups who meet regularly and perform at many school and community events. We pride ourselves on honouring special cultural celebrations like Matariki, Ramadan, Samoan language week, Tongan Language Week, White Sunday, and Diwali. Regular whānau/family meetings also take place for these groups.
Groups include:
- Kapa Haka
- Pasifika
- Samoan
- Filipino
- Indian
- Spanish
- International and ESOL Students
Our ESOL specialist teacher assists those students whose first language is not English.
We welcome International Students as they are a natural part of our diverse community and fit easily into our school.
Our vision is captured in these words:
“Ko te manu kai i te miro, nōna te ngahere, ko te manu kai i te mātauranga, nōna te ao.’
A bird that feasts on the miro berry understands the forest, a bird that feasts on knowledge understands the world.
Māori Medium Options
Gate Pā School is proud to have two Māori immersion classrooms and three bilingual classes. The rumaki immersion classrooms operate with 80% of the learning happening in te reo Māori, with learning underpinned by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Our bilingual classes operate at 30-50% reo and follow the guidelines of the New Zealand Curriculum
- Values based approach - Manaakitanga/ Whanaungatanga/ Kaitiakitanga/ Rangatiratanga
- A localised curriculum
- Off-site cultural experiences within Tauranga Moana
- Kapa Haka, Manu Kōrero groups
- Discovery learning through passions and through play
- Experienced, committed and dedicated teaching staff
- Tuakana-teina learning and collaborative teaching
- Marau ā kura - developed with whānau
- An onsite Puna Reo early childhood centre and māori medium pathways to intermediate and beyond
An open door policy exists for all whanau to sit in, share and learn.
Follow us on Facebook - Te Rumaki o Pukehinahina
New Entrants
Our Philosophy:
Learners do better at school when they are developmentally ready for the curriculum. To develop and assess this readiness we have a Gateway Class.
All new entrant students begin in our Gateway Class. They stay 6 - 10 weeks before transitioning to a mainstream or bilingual class. The exception is students who meet Te Reo Maori requirements, these students can start straight away in Rumaki/Whare Reo.
Our Gateway Class has been designed to support the development of a range of foundation skills which are fundamental for learning.
What are Foundation Skills:
Curriculum tasks, such as reading and writing, depend upon the automatic use of foundation skills. If these skills do not exist, the brain will concentrate on developing them rather than on higher level thinking tasks. They are fine and gross motor skills, speaking, hearing and seeing skills and competencies like managing self, relating to others, giving things a go and being curious.
Why Gateway?
Because it has been proven to work. This class uses the framework, Ready 4 Learning to identify which skills each child has and which skills they still need in order for them to be successful.
Personalised Learning
Every student completes the Ready 4 Learning, hands-on assessments to identify their learning needs.
The classroom programme is then designed to develop the required foundation skills. Time is also spent familiarising your child with our school routines and developing lifelong learning skills including emotional regulation and perseverance.
An individual portfolio tracks your child's progress. This is sent home regularly. We also encourage you to share the successes you have seen at home.
Gate Pā School is a cohort entry school
What is Cohort Entry?
The children will start school in Cohort groups following their 5th birthday. There are eight Cohort
intakes throughout the year, one at the beginning of each term and one midway through each term.
See dates below.
The benefits of Cohort Entry
- Helps children settle
- Builds stronger relationships
- Gives a sense of belonging through being part of a community
- A better start for children setting up routines and expectations
- Less disruption for the current New Entrant children and Mentors
This illustrates groups of children as they have their 5th birthday. It is an example of how they become a Cohort group with those who have a birthday at a similar time. They will start school as a group on the Cohort date following their 5th birthday.
Q: My Child turns 5 the day of a cohort entry date, can they start on their birthday?
A: Yes
Q: My child turns 5 the day after a cohort entry date, can they begin a day earlier with the cohort.
A: Unfortunately not. Children in New Zealand can not attend school until they are 5.
Q: When is the latest my child can start school?
A: In New Zealand all children must be enrolled by their 6th birthday.
Q: My child is just 5 and has already been enrolled in another New Zealand school under a non
cohort policy and we are transferring to Gate Pā do we need to wait until the next cohort begins?
A: No, as your child has already been enrolled, they can begin immediately at Gate Pā.
Gate Pā School Cohort Entry Dates
Cohort | Start Date |
Term 2 - Cohort 1 | Monday 28th April 2025 |
Term 2 - Cohort 2 | Tuesday 3rd June 2025 |
Term 3 - Cohort 1 | Monday 14th July 2025 |
Term 3 - Cohort 2 | Monday 18th August 2025 |
Term 4 - Cohort 1 | Monday 6th October 2025 |
Term 4 - Cohort 2 | Monday 10th November 2025 |
Garden to Table
Gate Pā School runs a highly successful Garden to Table programme, utilising produce from our very own school garden, orchard and beehive. Through this real-world learning opportunity, our students get their hands dirty while learning how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh food.
All our students participate regularly in this programme and there are plenty of opportunities for parent/whānau involvement. Garden to Table also has wider community benefits as the students bring home what they have learned about growing, harvesting, preparing and cooking good food.
Community Gardens are also avaliable on our school site for families to adopt.
Whānau / Family Engagement
At Gate Pā School we are committed to working with you to improve the well-being and achievement of your child(ren). Your opinion is valued!
Tools and strategies we use to support the development of these critical relationships include:
- early face-to-face connections with the classroom teacher and establishing channels for ongoing communication
- setting clear classroom expectations for Home Learning
- encouraging parent/whānau involvement in classroom and school learning /events
- regular whānau hui for communication and feedback
- use of Seesaw and google classroom to share learning
- student-led conferences for celebration and goal setting
- learning exhibitions and celebrations
- school and syndicate newsletters
- Friends of the School group ( please see the office for details on how to participate)
- school Facebook - Gate Pā - Pukehinahina
- open-door policy
At Gate Pā School we value health, well-being and physical activity. We demonstrate this by keeping our children involved in regular physical education and sport.
Our sports co-ordinator supports us to maximise participation in a range of events including afterschool and weekend sports.
Email: sport@gatepa.school.nz
Competitive sport is also encouraged through participation within and across school competitions. These include netball, miniball, basketball, volleyball, cricket and rippa rugby competitions.
Inter school sporting opportunities for Y4-Y6 students happen throughout the school and include swimming, cross country, athletics, soccer, rugby, hockey, netball, cricket and miniball. Students who perform highly at these events can qualify for West Cluster and Western Bay of Plenty competitions.
See more on our school sports page here.
English as a Second Language (ESOL)
We welcome students from migrant and refugee families.
A full-time ESOL tutor supports these students to develop their English language.
This tuition takes place in small groups, each student will receive 2-3 sessions during class time each week.